U.S. No. 1.
U.S. No. 1 Long Stem.
U.S. No. 2.
10% Total defects, including 2% decay.
Good Delivery Guidelines:
15% total, including 4% decay
Common Defects:
Damage by:
(a) Spreading when, the scales at the tip are opening but not to the extent that the heart is exposed.
(b) Misshapen, when not excessively long and pointed.
Serious damage by:
(a) Spreading when, practically all of the scales have spread, exposing the flower parts in the center of the bud.
(b) Overdeveloped when the artichoke has a brownish color; the scales are tough, leathery, and stringy and the flower in the center of the bud has turned dark pink or purple and become fuzzy.