U.S. Extra No. 1.
U.S. No. 1.
U.S. No. 2.
10% total defects, including 2% for soft rot.
Good Delivery Guidelines:
15% total, including 4% decay
Common Defects:
Damage by:
(a) Growth cracks when more than 2 branches are affected by growth cracks which are over one-half inch in length, or when more than 6 branches have growth cracks.
(b) Horizontal cracks when more than 3 branches have horizontal cracks which are over one-half inch in length, or when more than 6 branches have horizontal cracks.
(c) Discolored branches when each of more than 2 branches or 1/4 of the branches of the stalk, whichever is less, has more than 3 distinct hair-like lines more than 3 inches long occurring on the outer side of the branch or an aggregate area of more than ¼ by 1 inch of blotch or solid type discoloration occurring on the inner side.
(d) Mechanical injury when the root has been cut off too closely leaving the branches without support; when more than 2 branches are materially scuffed or bruised; when the branches have been broken above the first node to an extent which materially affects the appearance; or when more than 2 branches are broken below the first node except that all branches may be cut below the first node provided the stalk is of the length specified.
(e) Pithy when more than 2 are pithy in that portion of the midrib between a point 1-1/2 inches above the point of attachment to the base and the first node, or between a point 1-1/2 inches below the first node and the point of attachment to the base, or when pith occurs at both ends of the midrib and more than a total of 1-1/2 inches is affected: Provided, That stalks having 6 outer branches or less shall have not more than one-third of the outer branches affected by pith as described above.
(f) Scuffed and discolored branches when more than 2 branches are materially scuffed or bruised so that the appearance of the stalk is damaged.
(g) Seedstem when the length of seedstem exceeds twice the diameter of the stalk or 8 inches in length.
Serious damage by:
(a) Growth cracks when more than 4 branches are affected by growth cracks which are over one-half inch in length, or when more than 8 branches have growth cracks.
(b) Horizontal cracks when more than 5 branches have horizontal cracks which are over one-half inch in length, or when more than 8 branches have horizontal cracks.
(c) Discolored branches when each of more than 5 branches or 1/2 of the branches of the stalk, whichever is less, has more than 3 distinct hair-like lines more than 3 inches long occurring on the outer side of the branch or an aggregate area of more than 1/4 by 1 inch of blotch or solid type discoloration occurring on the inner side.
(d) Mechanical injury when the root has been cut off too closely leaving the branches without support; when more than 4 branches are materially scuffed or bruised; when the branches have been broken above the first node to an extent which seriously affects the appearance; or when more than 4 branches are broken below the first node except all branches may be cut below the first node provided the stalk is of the length specified.
(e) Pithy when more than 4 are pithy in that portion of the midrib between a point 1-1/2 inches above the point of attachment to the base and the first node, or between a point 1-1/2 inches below the first node and the point of attachment to the base, or when pith occurs at both ends of the midrib and more than a total of 1-1/2 inches is affected: Provided, That stalks having 6 outer branches or less shall have not more than one-half of the outer branches affected by pith as described above.
(f) Scuffed and discolored branches when seriously affecting the appearance of the stalk.
(g) Seedstem when the length of seedstem exceeds three times the diameter of the stalk.